Again, we’re looking at the signs and NOT the houses. However, definitely do check which houses these are for you. If you don’t know much about Jyotish, then get a reading from someone reliable. Here, Shani reaches the maximum tension (war) specifically related to Rahu. There’s been lots of strife and discord already—way back since Saturn entered Pisces on March 29. But this point culminates the entire pattern. Why might that be?
The Shani - Rahu conjunction (yuti) usually brings with it some untoward effects. In the Odisha tradition, this yuti is termed a ghost yoga (relation) since it represents the dead, the deceased, demons and the other world—in general, but mostly with an eye toward more hellish places. Fun, huh? A simple minded interpretation might opine that hell will break out in Pisces; and then figure out what Pisces represents to add some detail. This has merit but misses the mystical plot altogether. Hence, let’s backtrack a few steps and try again.
For any difficult situation, such as this one, begin by cataloguing your resources. Here, what’re Shani’s positive attributes? How about Rahu? What could possibly be good about a ghost yoga? How does the constellation, Pisces (Meena), factor in? Ah, much better. To lay the first stone, Saturn drives slowly. It takes about 2.5 years to trudge through a sign. So, the celebrations in Pisces are just commencing and will be around for a while. As a consequence, the best question to commence with? Naturally: what happens with Saturn in Pisces?
Consequently, check out—and zone in on—the planet’s friendships and happy places. Saturn just finished five years reacquainting itself with its own two signs of Capricorn and Aquarius—its real homes away from the eternal Home. So, you might guess, it’s not going to be too enthused leaving all those comforts. Right. Next, does it like the folks over here in Pisces—owned by Jupiter and Ketu? In the tradition used here, Saturn and Jupiter are neutral to each other but Ketu is an enemy of Saturn. And, in fact, anytime Ketu and Shani show up in the same vicinity, chaos inevitably ensues, one way or another.
What does it all mean? Put all the grahas aside for a moment and just think about Shani and Meena. This also means one should study Shani and the lords of Meena, Guru (Jupiter) and Ketu (moon’s south node). Meena is the most spiritual sign of all and believes in peace. It represents the ocean both literally and figuratively. The end of life happens here as well as one’s transit to the next life. Traditionally, this would be the sign linked to enlightenment, if that were to occur. So, Saturn here isn’t all bad. However, it’s definitely not all good and, in fact, signals the beginning of a downward turn of Saturn’s vibration of five years—yes, five. Life won’t get sunny for this chap until it reaches Taurus way away there in the future.