simple and effective remedies for all of 2025

1.1 overview of 2025 and the terrain ahead

Hello folks. Happy New Year—may it be a pleasant, healthy and successful year for you. Time for a new approach to harmonizing the planetary forces. Why? The planets change positions over time so each year they bring new opportunities and new challenges. Last year was a mouthful so good to be done with that. What do you get in lieu? This year will provide you with variety.

The challenges of the past several years have centered upon interactions between Jupiter and Saturn. That time is now over. These two all-stars still figure into the picture prominently but their bickering and boxing matches with each other take a back seat—finally—to other dynamics. So, treat the coming year as a learning experience. Nolens volens (literally, unwilling or willing), it’s what you’ve got.

Some of the tools learned from previous years will still float and bring solid gains but others will not. You need to upgrade your skillset to stay on top. This echoes a common theme descending upon the whole planet—”pivot or die.” This catchy phrase specifically addresses the rampant explosion of AI-driven services and products. You need to join in that frenzy or drown in the aftermath of a mass exodus toward anything—and everything which sports an “AI spoken here” label.

1.2 opportunities and challenges — practical and spiritual

Planets—and all heavenly bodies—affect both house and sign. Here, we discuss the signs since these are deeper effects. In particular, they relate to the spiritual journey much more than the houses. Why? The signs relate to stars and a higher, more universal vibration. This is what a spiritual seeker wants. In contrast, the houses are all about “my, me and mine.” They represent personal goals and events—certainly important but not much related to advancing along the mystical way.

So, do check out the specifics of how the year’s patterns affect YOU (check the house positions) but you should definitely also understand the underlying spiritual themes or else you’re just floating along on the river like flotsam and jetsam—without a clear direction and map of the hazards and short-cuts, you’re just playing the lottery again.

1.3 qigong, yoga and Energy medicine as remedies for the planets

If you have read some of the other pages on this website, you probably understand that a relation exists between the signs (rashis) and the meridians. Since advanced yoga systems aim for enlightenment—and nothing much less—it only stands to reason that one should use their tools to craft remedies for the planets and stars. How’s that? Getting help from others—a priest, a puja—or offering cash or seva (service) as the remedy does work to some extent. But, even if it resolves the concern completely you are left with a hand out and not a hand up.

The spiritual journey leads up to the clouds and even beyond. You don’t get there unless you pay the price. Which is? Effort—and the right effort. Worldly effort, however noble, begets worldly results: you don’t change much. The only way to reach Light necessarily has to be through following Its rules and using Its tool. Here, you have a truth constantly emphasized by the great masters of all ages—you must hang your hat on meditation (mental transformation) and pranayama (physical transformation). The mind and heart will not change enough if you try any other path.

No one is asking you to leave your life and circumstances, whatever they may be. Light is simply asking you to lend a hand for the benefit of all beings on this planet: part of your daily activities needs to include meditation and pranayama (or some other energy practice; but pranayama is best, at least to get under way). How much time you can invest will change over time. Even if it’s ten minutes to begin with: If that’s what’s possible then kick off the show there. This IS what the maharishis and great ones do ask of you. Everything else you do towards growth is fine. Just make sure to include the true tools for spiritual fulfilment and your guides and teachers will be pleased.

1.4 specific qigong and yoga remedies for 2025

That’s the backdrop for what you’re facing. Here’re some solutions that really help—even for beginners. If you need some coaching to lay the foundations, by all means, go for it. Find yourself a yoga instructor or alternative medicine practitioner or spiritual teacher. Learn a few skills and then get to work. You don’t need to know a lot but you do need to be diligent and practice earnestly and consistently. Changes will then come, for sure. It’s a promise.

1.4.1 the saturn show — more fireworks than you can shake a stick at

At a worldly level, the first part of April may get a little unsettled. Follow through on what might need to be done but keep coming back to the true meaning of this time. Remember there are two shows running all the time—the worldly story and a spiritual story. You play your part in the world but give thought and heart to what the spiritual story shares with you. This strategy brings you the greatest happiness without question. And, why? Because, as you know, Spirit is deeper and more powerful and more lasting than any worldly event or story. Here’s the picture:

Rashi chart (D1) — Shani (Saturn) conjunct Rahu (moon’s north node) — this represents the maximum energy of war between the two grahas — on April 14, 2025 at 0:25:09 in Jupiter, Florida, USA

Again, we’re looking at the signs and NOT the houses. However, definitely do check which houses these are for you. If you don’t know much about Jyotish, then get a reading from someone reliable. Here, Shani reaches the maximum tension (war) specifically related to Rahu. There’s been lots of strife and discord already—way back since Saturn entered Pisces on March 29. But this point culminates the entire pattern. Why might that be?

The Shani - Rahu conjunction (yuti) usually brings with it some untoward effects. In the Odisha tradition, this yuti is termed a ghost yoga (relation) since it represents the dead, the deceased, demons and the other world—in general, but mostly with an eye toward more hellish places. Fun, huh? A simple minded interpretation might opine that hell will break out in Pisces; and then figure out what Pisces represents to add some detail. This has merit but misses the mystical plot altogether. Hence, let’s backtrack a few steps and try again.

For any difficult situation, such as this one, begin by cataloguing your resources. Here, what’re Shani’s positive attributes? How about Rahu? What could possibly be good about a ghost yoga? How does the constellation, Pisces (Meena), factor in? Ah, much better. To lay the first stone, Saturn drives slowly. It takes about 2.5 years to trudge through a sign. So, the celebrations in Pisces are just commencing and will be around for a while. As a consequence, the best question to commence with? Naturally: what happens with Saturn in Pisces?

Consequently, check out—and zone in on—the planet’s friendships and happy places. Saturn just finished five years reacquainting itself with its own two signs of Capricorn and Aquarius—its real homes away from the eternal Home. So, you might guess, it’s not going to be too enthused leaving all those comforts. Right. Next, does it like the folks over here in Pisces—owned by Jupiter and Ketu? In the tradition used here, Saturn and Jupiter are neutral to each other but Ketu is an enemy of Saturn. And, in fact, anytime Ketu and Shani show up in the same vicinity, chaos inevitably ensues, one way or another.

What does it all mean? Put all the grahas aside for a moment and just think about Shani and Meena. This also means one should study Shani and the lords of Meena, Guru (Jupiter) and Ketu (moon’s south node). Meena is the most spiritual sign of all and believes in peace. It represents the ocean both literally and figuratively. The end of life happens here as well as one’s transit to the next life. Traditionally, this would be the sign linked to enlightenment, if that were to occur. So, Saturn here isn’t all bad. However, it’s definitely not all good and, in fact, signals the beginning of a downward turn of Saturn’s vibration of five years—yes, five. Life won’t get sunny for this chap until it reaches Taurus way away there in the future.

Hoorah for Meena — the earthly ocean and the cosmic sea.

Bottom line? For worldly affairs, Saturn in Pisces is so-so. This is why you must check out which houses it relates to in your chart and which planets it looks at and which ones look at it. For more spiritual concerns, Shani in Meena still has merit but the pickings are much slimmer now than they have been for the last five years. It has been a spiritual bonanza for everyone for five years but the party is now officially over. Which means?

You will need to work—and work harder—to progress spiritually starting now and continuing for the next five years. Oh well: easy come, easy go. So, if you’re serious, get to it! Now’s the time to show some class and character. You can. Why not? The alternative is altogether not too pleasing to even consider. Just remember your spiritual community and teachers. They can help make all the difference—especially for times like this.

1.4.2 practical qigong and yoga as remedy for saturn in pisces in 2025

What you can do depends, of course, upon what you know up to this juncture. What skills do you have under your belt? The following practice utilizes several components: balancing subtle energy (qi, prana, lung) along with breathwork and mantra (prayer). You can modify the details to suit your religious and personal beliefs. Just stick with the actual energy part of the technique. It will work well.

Rahu and Ketu will linger along the Pisces - Virgo axis a while yet. But by May 18, 2025 they will shift operations to their next station along the Aquarius - Leo axis. This constitutes yet another major effect for the year but since Aquarius will welcome Rahu home, this event stands as an improvement over the last several years for these two nodes. Just take this to mean that you don’t have to bother with them unless they affect your planets in the two new signs via conjunction, or Rahu gazes at any of your planets (in the tradition used here, Rahu naturally aspects the fifth, ninth and twelfth houses from it—counted in the natural zodiacal direction).

In short, the biggest players to consider any—and every—year are Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu (Ketu comes along for the ride). This year, Rahu (and Ketu) are off the hook—at least at the spiritual level. The big challenge is Saturn. Fortunately, a big help comes from Jupiter’s court as it gradually gets stronger throughout the year. Explanation? When a planet heads toward its sign of exaltation (the best possible place for worldly concerns), it gains both strength and dignity. Jupiter is already—and always is—first class. So, 2025 brings a super version of first class Jupiter energy. This mercifully helps all beings out a lot.

Here’s the practice for Shani:

1. Qigong with mantra (qnM) — Apply this to the Liver meridian, which has 14 points. Either do the entire meridian or half of the points. If you do half, then balance the other half the next time you practice. If you want a refresher about qnM, here’s the link: Qi Needles with Mantra. You will land at the point where qnM gets explained. It assumes you know what qi needles are. If this is not the case, you can scroll up a couple pages to a section labeled Qi Needles — part 2. This will provide you the main ideas about qi needles.

Briefly, qnM means using qigong—in the form of two imaginary qi needles—to balance meridian points. There is a specific protocol related to the direction you turn the needles. This all corresponds to actual medical practices in acupuncture that have been successfully used for well over two thousand years. To top off the practice, you silently repeat a mantra while working on the points.

The method of qnM provides a very powerful way to balance the meridian. And, if you are praying to a deity that relates to Saturn or Meena—or that, at least, is interested in harmony and well-being and is willing to protect you—then you are on the money and will find the technique very powerful and encouraging. Any other practices that you can add to the mix—service, puja, group activities—will help improve the outcomes.

This practice can be done for you, your loved ones and friends, your community or any group of people or beings that you feel moved to help and support. Energy employs a different channel than that engaged with for physical actions. Both channels are needed for helping and healing this world.

2. Breathwork — Adding breathing into your repertoire will improve results as in pulls in extra amounts of energy so there’s some fuel in the tank when you practice the qi needles. Here, you can take your pick depending upon your level of experience. Any reasonable practice will do. Aim for 10 minutes, if you can (but even 5 minutes will do to set some life force ticking).

If you have never done any breathing practices then lay the cornerstone with resonant breathing. Have a look on the web or you can check the Level 3 Sadhana page here for details. A couple other options once you have that technique mastered would be a gentle 6:8 ratio (count of 6 inhale and a count of 8 exhale) and alternate nostril breathing (initiate with a resonant breathing rate and gradually progress to the 6:8 ratio). After you can do both of these further practices, strive to add in longer breath retentions. Again, you can check the pages here (Sadhana levels 3 to 5).

Or, find out what your friendly AI agent has to offer. But make sure to check a couple sources anyway, as AI is still early days and in terms of the more advanced concepts found in spirituality, it generally gets the ideas wrong or at best, half-right. That will change for the better—let’s hope and pray. Imagine this: an AI robot with heart! What a hoot. And, what would Gaia say?

1.5 Summary for 2025

This will be a dynamic year filled with both challenges and opportunities for growth. Significant changes and transformation will unfold for one and all. Fortunately, the second half of the year will settle down a little and place more focus on evolution and self-improvement. The major fireworks will center around Saturn's transit into Pisces. This will cascade into a number of rapidly unfolding events: first, the conjunction of five planets (March 29); then, war with Venus (April 7); then, war with Rahu (April 14); and then, war with Neptune (June 15). Whew! What a mouthful.

Other important factors for the year include: Jupiter’s gradual approach to its sign of exaltation—this means Jupiter is gaining in strength and dignity through most of the year; and Mars’ return to normal forward motion—this leads it through debilitation (April 2 to June 6) and MKS (almost as bad) (Sep 13 to Oct 27). Other than those periods, Mars will function normally again and provide support and energy for constructive goals. Go team!

By understanding these major astrological events you can navigate the year with greater awareness and make choices that align with your goals and aspirations. While these general predictions offer valuable insights, it's important to remember that Vedic astrology spans and models a very complex system—nature and the multiverse. For a more targeted understanding of the year ahead, you should consult with a qualified Jyotish astrologer to help personalize the great themes of the year—it does make a difference which houses these themes occur in for you.

Finally, as you navigate the year 2025, remember the importance of patience, adaptability, and self-reflection. Embrace the opportunities for growth and transformation that this year presents. And, use the wisdom of Jyotish to guide you on your journey. Why not? It works … well. Best wishes!

simple and effective remedies for all of 2024

Hello folks. Happy New Year—may it be a pleasant, healthy and successful year for you. After the travails of 2020 through 2023, you may be wondering “what’s next?” with not just a little concern, or even trepidation. However, be assured that the worst of the cataclysmic impacts from above have now begun to settle down and 2024 bodes well, if we keep a few key ideas in mind and act accordingly throughout the year. First and foremost: Saturn now towers over the rest of the pack and remains the key player who will continue to have the major say as it orchestrates all comings and goings for both worldly and spiritual life.

Aquarius (Kumbha in Jyotish) is the 11th house of the natural zodiac.

Second: the last few years were tough for everyone because Saturn was at odds—and often in outright fisticuffs—with many of the other major planets, such as Ketu, Jupiter and Mars. This year, in contrast, Jupiter transits through Mesha (Aries) and Vrishabha (Taurus) so any short-term altercations happening between Saturn and other planets—all happening in Shani-dev’s own part of town in Kumbha (Aquarius)—will be mitigated due to Jupiter’s return to worldly concerns. It’s grace and power now support ordinary needs and desires. Whew.

Saturn, on the other hands, still holds forth in Aquarius, the 11th house of the natural zodiac, which bodes well especially for the acquisition of spiritual knowledge but also for gains both financially and personally. The natural zodiac represents the deeper, spiritual-level view of the planets and stars (“God’s eye view”). At a worldly level, 11th house energies bring in friends, societies and groups, income of all sorts (financial and other life experiences). At a spiritual level, this corner of the ecliptic represents the Guru’s teachings and is a mother lode for insight and understanding. Metaphorically, Kumbha stands as the foot-hills (the gates or portal) to Pisces (Meena), the next house in the sequence of constellations and the place of Spirit (with a capital S) and enlightenment. Thus, you can rely on Saturn (steadfast, sensible, diligent, persistent, slow but steady, harvest of experiences) in Aquarius (foothills leading to Spirit) to function as a support, which at times may be challenging, but still a true blessing on the road to success in the world and on the path of spiritual growth. Just remember not to be in a hurry: Saturn takes time.

Hence, although there will be some short-term bumps in the road on occasion this year, you can count on the two big biggies (Jupiter and Saturn) to cast a more even-keeled and favorable glance upon the planet and its lively inhabitants. We are fortunate that their teaching lessons from the last three years are now history. Hopefully, many of us have learned some valuable lessons which we can apply going forward into the next handful of years. Hoorah for “school’s out!”

Third: the best strategy for working with the current nexus of astral energy, however, still centers upon cultivating and incorporating a few (2-3) of Saturn’s better attributes into your own personal daily routine. Set a goal to make these qualities a part of your lifestyle. Just read on the web about Saturn and focus on the good qualities you find, such as: patience, care for the underprivileged (ALL the elderly, poor, disenfranchised, social outcasts, defeated and fallen peoples of the world). Other of his better characteristics that are worthy of emulation include: karma yoga (service for others because it’s the right thing to do), steadiness, focus, practicality, as well as being law-abiding, realistic, organized, disciplined and consistent. Lots to choose from, huh? There are even more positive traits you can research and discover, if these don’t sate your appetite.

Fourth: And finally, if you want to include energy (prana, qi, lung) as part of your remedial measures for the year, you can simply use the procedure described below for the year 2020. It still applies in full force and will be even more effective this year. Just click this link, What to Do?, which scrolls down the page a ways to a section that spins out a straight-forward 5-10 minute routine to rub three points on the body (on both sides).

Because these acupoints are linked to Saturn (who, stationed in his own sign of Kumbha, feels more at home and wields many of his most positive qualities this year) and Guru (Jupiter, the great healer), this protocol still wholly applies for 2024. These two primeval forces are no longer conjunct but they remain closely linked in purpose so the 2020 protocol is apt and on the mark (Jupiter is in Aries [the throne of the world] for the entire year). Here you are: a wholesome remedy that works. Try it for a month and see for yourself.

useful and easy energy remedy for the year 2020

The most important astral influences for the remainder of year 2020

Your birth (natal) chart portrays those energy patterns that join you for the ride throughout life. However, each year, other forces can come into play depending upon the current positions of the planets about the sun and their relation to your natal chart. For instance, Śanī (Shani or Saturn) presently passes through the sign of Capricorn. This will affect the same signs for everyone but the houses will be different for each person depending upon what her or his lagna (ascendant) was at birth.

For instance, at the moment, Saturn has a full—and potent—gaze upon the constellation of Pisces. This applies for everyone but which house Pisces represents will vary. If you have an ascendant of Aries, then Shani gazes at your 12th house (the road to marriage, sleep, expenses, losses, the subconscious mind, spirituality) but if you have an ascendant of, say, Sagittarius, then Shani focuses intently upon your 4th house (happiness, love, affection, mother, basic education, property, vehicles).

Here are some highlights for the second half of this year:

The most important—and apparent—influences for this year.

The deeper, esoteric meaning of the astral and planetary influences for this year.

The main eclipses for the year. These will add extra energy and potential turbulence to the main factors guiding the show from above.

What to Do?

Traditional approaches such as meditation, fasting, donation, prayer and puja (religious ceremony) can certainly help. If your lifestyle includes such measures then “steady as she goes” is the watchword. Just keep doing what you are already doing. However, if you haven’t incorporated techniques such as these yet, or you would like to soup up your results for even better outcomes, then you can try out and explore the following remedy. Based upon energy medicine, Jyotish and yoga, it rocks!

Qigong for the main archetypes influencing events during the second half of 2020.

Secret esoteric treatments for the main planetary influences this year.

The key acupuncture points to use for treatment of the transiting planets during 2020.

Well, here you go. There is always more but this simple ten minute routine can craft wonders for your improved good fortune, health, happiness and success during the second half of this year. Hard science—both accepted western science and traditional esoteric science—stands behind this seemingly innocent bit of tapping and jiggling. Higher currents of energy knit these acupoints together so they can fashion their magic—much like a troop of marionettes dance sprightly to the tenuous and elusive tugs of their puppeteers. Try to incorporate this into a daily routine for three weeks (at least 5 days each week) and check the results for yourself. You will likely be quite glad you did!

Interested in learning more? Here’s a webinar that discusses the main planetary influences for 2020 and how the planets map to elements (such as fire, water and earth) and to chakras. With this basic understanding you can achieve stellar gains for both your personal and spiritual goals. The latter part of the video includes a terrific guided meditation based upon the heart and throat chakras (related to the two key planets affecting us all at this time). If you like the material, please pass it along. The more folks that have these tools for positive change, the better.